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    Friday, February 26, 2010

    Day #57/365 - Kyle after the rain

    We had a rain storm today and I was bummed. Then I looked to the West and saw that it was going to clear up reallllll nice after a heavy downpour. It's great weather for photographs.

    My best friends moved downtown and I'm stoked. We were at Kyle's doing HW and then the storm broke. We walked out his front door and shot a few of these.

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    Day #56/365 - Coming from, going to

    Working this graveyard shift has been getting to me lately. Not necessarily in a bad way, I'm just...adjusting.

    Anyhow I've been noticing how different life has been for me while I'm adjusting. Its crazy to think that people make careers out of working these hours!

    The other day I noticed my sleep schedule and yesterday I noticed that I'm always driving home from work while people are going to work.

    I noticed so much I drove around snapping pictures. This was my favorite.

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    Thursday, February 25, 2010

    Day #55/365 - I was never a morning person

    Yup. And my overnight job now confirms it. Nothing like crawling into bed at 8am.

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    Wednesday, February 24, 2010

    Day #54/365 - People in Bokeh

    I've been trying to move out of my usual box of people and light setups and trying to find the usual. The rain brought some nice textures and I was just snapping away. This was my favorite!

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    Tuesday, February 23, 2010

    Totally wallin', bro.

    Day #52/365 - Wallrides

    I went out with Kris the other night to this wall spot. We had meant to shoot some photos of this bank, but it was a little too dark. This place had a light at least. Photos and more after the click.

    Still a super hard situation to focus in low light. The 5D isn't necessarily known for its focusing system. So I flipped the switch and shot it manually.


    I think one of the hardest things as a photographer is actually knowing your limits. I started out shooting this mostly wide and close like the above shot. It was ok, but I wasn't really feeling it and neither was Kris. He said, "Maybe you should try shooting from there or here." A year ago or maybe six months even, I would have shrugged it off and been like whatever, "this guy rides bikes, what does he know about photography? (Kris actually does know how to use a camera, and pretty well.) But I took the advice, and we were both stoked on the results.



    Kris and the Tractor

    You should check out some more of his stuff over at

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    Saturday, February 20, 2010

    I'm on Dripbook now.

    I'm on Dripbook now., originally uploaded by Jerome Love.

    Check it out now.

    Review coming soon.

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    Thursday, February 18, 2010

    Day #47/365 - Locked Keys

    Day #47/365 - Locked Keys, originally uploaded by Jerome Love.

    So have you locked your keys in the car before? I have. Lately more than ever, in fact I've done it twice already this year. The first time I did it, I happened to be at Autozone helping my roomate get a new car battery.
    When I had realized what, the guy behind the counter told me to get a brake line for $5 and bend it so I could fish it out.

    Well it worked.

    Last night our friend Paul called and asked us to help out his sister who had locked her keys in the car.

    The photo shows the end result.

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    Wednesday, February 17, 2010

    Day #46/365 - Bike Trail

    Day #46/365 - Bike Trail, originally uploaded by Jerome Love.

    The weather has been incredible for the last few days here in Sacramento, and to celebrate, I headed out with Kris and my new friend Glenn for a nice ride on the bike trail.

    I can't believe I've never ridden this before, it's beautiful out there and it's a nice smooth ride.This one was taken with my Droid with the FXCamera app. I'm stoked.

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    Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    Day #45/365 - Monica

    Day #45/365 - Monica, originally uploaded by Jerome Love.

    As you've probably noticed, I've been working on building up my fashion work lately. I've never shot a lot before and so I've been learning lately by trial and error. Last night I went out with my old friend Monica and shot some photos. This was actually the first, and I'm stoked on the look, and stoked on the shot.

    My formula is simple, but I'm going to start trying more natural light work. I feel like I have this look down, what do you think?

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    Day #44/365 - A View of the City

    I spent last weekend in the beautiful city of San Fransisco visiting my buddy Andrew. Gnarly weekend of skating and fun. I can't say that I could live in SF, it's TOO busy. It's crazy man, hustle,bustle all day.. all night. But I love, love,love.... the lights.

    This photo's gotten a lot of love on my Flickr already. Let me know what you think.

    I also took the time to put together this panorama while I was up there. You'll definitely want to click on this one and see the full size.

    SF Panorama, originally uploaded by Jerome Love.

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    Monday, February 15, 2010

    Hot off the press! The Voiceless Book is now on Blurb!

    The past few months, I have been organizing photos and words from my time in South Africa. Well I've finally put all of that into a book, that you can enjoy! Check it out on blurb today!

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    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    Day #42/365 - Tien

    Day #42/365 - Tien, originally uploaded by Jerome Love.

    So it's been girls, girls, girls the past few days and I though I needed to change it up a bit. Enter Tien.

    I went to high school with him and he's been a good friend ever since. I've been working on my "fashion" portfolio and I thought a fresh face might help. Pretty simple setup here, a beauty dish to the right and a snooted, grid spot left and behind him.

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    Tuesday, February 9, 2010

    Day #40/365- Aly

    Day #40/365- Aly, originally uploaded by Jerome Love.

    Lately I've been trying to shoot more and more fashion (oriented) stuff. I've always been interested in the field, but have never really had a drive to do much about it until lately. I'm on a project for a little boutique here in Sacramento and have been working on my fashion photography.

    Aly here, I've know for a little while. She's pursuing a career in acting and is working on a degree in Journalism. She stuck this one out in the cold with me so I bought here a nice cup of coffee from the fine folks over at Temple.

    I borrowed this spotlight technique from street photographer Nick Turpin. You can read about that little idea here on strobist.

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    More Creepy Buildings

    I was telling you how Kris, Brad, Wade, Max and I trudged into these sketchy buildings. Here are the few photos we could stay for.

    More photos after the click.





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    Monday, February 8, 2010

    Day #38/365 Saturday Morning Reader and Day #37/365 - Lunch Break

    Both of these photos result from my job. I work the graveyard most weekends, therefore I'm up at crazy hours. The first resulted, because I had just gotten off and had to meet a friend at Temple to exchange some gear and talk over a few ideas.I normally would have been home sleeping at 8am, but I had already procrastinated for awhile in giving this guy back his camera.

    Anyhow while we were sitting, shooting the poop, I caught this guy and thought, "Wow, photographers wait for stuff like this all the time, I should photograph him." So I did. First with my Mamiya, then with my 5D, so soon we'll be able to compare and see which came out better.

    The second shot is a result of my job. I have a lunch break at like 4am and nothing is open, so I thought well i have the streets to myself. So i headed out and found an open intersection (2 blocks away). I used my headlights to light me and shot this.

    Day #37/365 Lunch Break, originally uploaded by Jerome Love.

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    Saturday, February 6, 2010

    Day# 36/365- Meghan in Rain

    Day# 36/365- Meghan in Rain, originally uploaded by Jerome Love.

    Meghan is a trooper. Probably one the coolest girls I know, she'll go out and pretty much try any crazy idea; this one was hers and I'm stoked on the way it came out. I've been working on some fashion stuff for a show coming up in March and Meg has been a huge help, we were out shooting some stuff for that and then it started pouring. She was still stoked to shoot and I didn't care, so this is what we came out with.

    I broke a rule, and didn't shoot a film version of this, but I loved this one too much to pass it up.

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    Day #35/365 - Kris is Creepy

    Day #35/365 - Kris is Creepy, originally uploaded by Jerome Love.

    Creepiest Day Ever. So Kris and I roll out with my buddy Wade to check out this abandoned hotel, tunnels and office buildings (shot of Kris). We thought it'd be some underground city thing.

    It wasn't.

    We go down to this hole in the wall under the building, climb into it, then crawl around following Wade as we spelunk under a sidewalk. We then crawl up and into this hotel and it's just creepier than ever. Pigeon's apparently roost in there over the summer and just poop everywhere, there's all kinds of clothes, beds, and who knows what in all of the rooms. It seriously looks like everyone just up and left one day.

    After that Wade climbs over to the office building and opens the front door for us. We go in and ride.

    Creep all day.

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    Thursday, February 4, 2010

    Day #34/365 - Your Blood, Our Blood, My Blood

    Day 3 with Sister Crayon at the Hangar studios. Pretty rad stuff going on, and I cannot wait to actually hear this full length album. Watching process and seeing all the work that goes into production really makes me appreciate recording artists.

    Jules from Sea of Bees and I forget the other lovely lady's name were there to help out on this part. Pretty cool experience all together, look out for an interview with them this month.

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    Wednesday, February 3, 2010

    Day #33/365 - Downtown

    Day #33/365 - Downtown, originally uploaded by Jerome Love.

    Taken very early on Feb 2nd, 12:30am ish as I got off work. I've seen this building pulsate light (at the top) for the past few years. Don't know what exactly is going on there, but its always looked like a rave is going on up there. I took this exact same shot with my Mamiya as well. Later this month, we'll come back to this shot and compare it to the film shot as well.

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    Tuesday, February 2, 2010

    Day #32/365 - The Hangar Studios

    I'm fortunate enough to spend a few days with Sister Crayon as they record at the Hangar this week in Sacramento.

    If you haven't heard or heard of Sister Crayon I highly recommend heading over to their myspace music page and checking it out.

    This photo obviously doesn't show them. Instead it's Scott and I forget the other guys name (sorry) the sound engineers. From what I could hear in the monitors, these guys are gooooooood.

    This photo is also the start of Film February in which I'm taking an exact shot of each 365 photo on one of my film cameras as well. We'll start comparing in about three weeks.

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    Monday, February 1, 2010

    Film February Begins

    Day #31/365- The Start

    I've decided to do something different this February for my 365 project. I'm going to shoot it entirely on film kind of. I'm going to spend the month of February shooting all of my daily photos with either my Mamiya 645, Canon AE-1 or possibly my Polaroid (if I can afford the film.)

    But, Jerome, how are you going to get that film, shoot it, process it, print it, scan it, and upload it day by day?

    The answer and more, after the click.

    I'm not.

    FilmVsDigital Mosaic

    In fact, I'm still going to be shooting the entire month with my trusty Canon 5D. But, I'm going to shoot the exact same shot with either of my film choices. Before we go any further lets define that.

    By exact I mean:

  • Same ISO (Film Speed)

  • Same lighting (if applicable)

  • Same Aperture (with a stop)

  • Same Shutter Speed (within a stop)

  • The reason I'm allowing for a stop difference with aperture and shutter speed is because film can hold a tonal range of about 7 or 8 stops (well-process B&W) and the most a digital SLR can hold is about 6 stops of light. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'd suggest starting here.

    I already know this project is going to be meticulous (why I picked the shortest month of the year) but that's one of the advantages of doing this. It's going to slow me down right before the busiest 3 months of my life and really force to me at least brush up on my film understanding and probably my understanding of using a camera in general. If you're keen on trying this shoot me an email , find me on facebook or folllow me on twitter , I'd love to hear about how you're tackling this and see your results.

    So when are you going to process, print, scan, and upload your film?

    The third week of February. I figure that I would at least have my first two weeks of film done by then and then can start sorting through it. Here's the coolest part. We're going to compare them side by side (as best as we can) and we're going to vote on it. This polling system is statistically flawed, pretty insignificant, and downright biased because a lot of my readers are into film and it's all coming from one photographer, but anywho I wanted you to get involved. Who knows where this will go.

    So get ready.

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