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    Saturday, June 6, 2009

    Thank God for Good, Fridays Saturdays

    So the past two days have been quite eventful and I forgot about updating you all on some good being done here in South Africa. So today, we'll say Thank God for Good on Saturdays.

    If you're unfamiliar with the idea behind this mini-series, check out my previous post on what TGFG,F is all about.

    This one's pretty recent. Thursday I was able to hang out with an HIV/AIDS Support Group in Kliptown. What an amazing group of people. Even with all that I've been told about living with HIV, these friends of mine completely shattered my preconceived notions about HIV/AIDS and those who live with it.

    The HIV/AIDS Support Group, is one of the ways South Africans are working together to abolish the stigmatization, loneliness and hopelessness that many would think are an all-in-one package deal with the conception of HIV.

    The stories I hear removed, obliterate that idea.

    Sitting around the table, we chatted, joked and laughed. We talked politics (South Africa just finished their elections), food, culture and on and on.

    Wait a minute... I've been here an hour and haven't even talked with them about HIV. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!

    "We're not unhappy, we love life. HIV is now a part of that."

    When I had been taught about HIV/AIDS, I thought people we're miserable who had it. It's a viral death sentence right? Wrong. There is joy with HIV/AIDS.

    There is life with HIV/AIDS.

    As I conversed, I realized that my friends here didn't see HIV as the end of their life (many do). But instead, see it as a opportunity to be proud of who they are, educate others and speak up for those who can't.

    This is unreal. I think back to a year ago, and my trivial life in highschool. Oh how I thought "being cool" was a life and death situation! How I became a masked magician in the business of people-pleasing for what? How I thought that my life was that and that only.

    I'm glad I've moved on from that in so many ways, but what I learned from my friends in Kliptown is something that I never looked into enough in the States. They seek their strength in those who take and love them as they are. Their support group is their family. These are the people who inspire them, the people who laugh with them, the people who listen when they aren't feeling so well.

    OH, how I wish I had valued such people in my earlier days!

    But in all seriousness, HIV/AIDS is a life-threatening disease. It's something that eats your immune system. These friends of mine are facing it with amazing bravery and strength.

    "I'm proud of my status!" Is what not one but three of my friends say. Could you say that?

    These people forgo opportunities available to most of South Africa, because of their stigmatization. It's hard to get a job being HIV positive. It's hard to have a family being HIV positive. It's hard to have friends being HIV positive.

    The education regarding the subject in this country is failing. To put it in perspective, the new president of the country believes a cold shower will wash you clean and free of HIV.

    That's where Vox is going to change things. Through programs like YouthUnited, where we go into schools and give vital education about HIV/AIDS, ways to prevent contraction and ways to help those who are afflicted, and through Small Business Opportunity for those like this group. In July we will be launching a sewing project, similar to the one in Swaziland right here in Kliptown, beginning with the members of this group.

    We're excited about this and we wanted to get to know the people involved. What I found is invaluable. People who in spite of life-threatening virus, live with more joy, peace and love than I had ever expected.

    Jerome Love


    Cindy said...

    Jerome, Keep soaking it in. These new friends of yours have so much to teach us! Thanks for sharing.

    Tommy Booth said...

    Hey Man!

    Nice to hear you're still learning so much here. Hope to see you soon.

    aubrey said...

    You are learning some valuable life lessons about life outside of "SAC". Cherish them, hold on to them, and never forget them!

    Love you and miss you much!