Today Denver received some LOVE from the kids at LoveMercy 2009. But before all that, we had a message from Scott Simmons and during the afternoon seminars kids were split up by age and gender to go over some relevant subjects. The kids weren't given a rigid structure, but were simply asked to go out and "LOVE" the city of Denver. The only thing provided were roses which went way fast. So the kids got creative and did all sorts of things.
Scott Simmons
Some of the kids who responded to an altar call.
Brooke Odgers with the ladies.
Tre' Reaume
Scott Simmons in the morning seminar.
One of my favorite images from LOVEDenver. Two kids pushing a cart for someone else.
(Credit: @madeinthe80s)
Free hugs galore.
(Credit: @madeinthe80s)
el fin. follow me on twitter @JeromeLove to get real-time updates.
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