I really need your help! Most of you know that I'm currently in South Africa working as a media journalist highlight the need and help reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS and the cycle of extreme poverty. We are doing this by investing in education, clean water and small business opportunities. I have raised over 80% of the money needed to cover my expenses here, but I still need your help to cover the rest!
July 5th I will be traveling to Northern Mozambique to gather stories and cover Vox (the NPO I work for) water initiative. We will be drilling multiple wells and are looking into water purification in the Pemba area. Each of the wells will serve 1500 or more people with safe, clean drinking water.
Why? You say? Over 1.1 Billion people in the world have little or no access to clean water. Others have to travel up to 3 hours just to find clean water. 90% of those people are women and children.

So what? I can't do anything about it. In the words of my president YES WE CAN.
For those families and others who have supported me in the past or are currently supporting me monthly, I want to thank you for your support. If you do feel like you want to contribute to make Mozambique happen there are a few ways you can donate. Anything helps, whether its $1 or $100, it all will make a difference for the people of South Africa and Mozambique. I leave July 5th and I need about $1000 dollars by June 24th to make this happen!
*There are two convenient ways to support me financially:
If you prefer to write a check, please mail it to:
PO Box 1425
Holland, MI 49422
With a short note explaining its intended use.
*OR if you prefer to donate via credit/debit card online. Please visit
*Click the green "Donate Now" button.*
*Fill out the required information.
At the bottom of the page select "Love-South Africa" from the *Staff member financial support* drop-down menu.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me by email or any of the other networks below to reach me!
If you use social media networks, I also am a part of Facebook,Twitter and Skype!
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for now With Love,
Jerome Love
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