Fact: 26.1% of Swaziland's Adult Population is infected with HIV/AIDS (UNICEF).
Fact: 40% of Swaziland's Population is unemployed (CIA WFB).
Fact: VOXUnited is working to change that.
How, you might ask?
Through this little machine.
Among those affected by HIV/AIDS, women and children are hit the hardest. In 2007, there were an estimated 100,000 women (15+) [<---- I know, 15?] to child transmission infections. In a population of a little over 1 Million, that's a dangerous stat.
Only 50% of the women are thoroughly educated about HIV/AIDS.
Vox threads is one of Vox's micro-business initiatives. By providing such things as sewing machines, business education opportunities, skills workshops, and small amounts of capital, we are able to help impoverished communities create opportunities for gainful employment and economic development.
Through the sewing project in Swaziland, we have empowered women.
Empowered to provide. Empowered to educate. Empowered to get educated.
Women are providing for their families by sewing handbags sold at fair trade prices. Many of the women are making between R400 and R1200 (75-180 US) per month. They are able to sew at care centers like these.
This one is still under construction.
They are able to provide for their children and families.
Ruby (Proudly 79 this November!) has no children but is empowered to provide for those orphaned by HIV/AIDS
Ruby's family :D
Besides food, these women can afford school uniforms (some sew their own!) school fees and send their children to school! Children that are able to read, write, critically think are children who will change the world. Who will be future community leaders, politicians, doctors and whatever they dream.
An organization known as Adventures in Missions has now taken over this project. They have a base in Mbabane, Swaziland have greater resources to serve the people. Julie is in charge of operations for this project and arranges shipping and point of sale in the States.
Vox threads is now launching in Soweto in July. We are seeking to bring these same opportunities to other communities! If you'd like more information feel free to email me or visit www.voxunited.org!
Jerome Love
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