i've also noticed a difference in myself. im very choosy about who i associate with nowadays, and i think it's the best for me at this point. i struggled very much with becoming who i associated with just to please them and now i only define myself by Christ. don't get me wrong. i'm human and i will always fail sometimes. for awhile now i've been defined by my worst moments and i am sick and tired of that. ive also noticed my e-addiction increasing with this new laptop,blog,photos,facebook,e-mails,and so on. i'd appreciate prayer in that area. i want to make sure that i'm still devoting time to my relationship to Christ.
i was able to get together with sarah and celeste yesterday afternoon for some awesome thai food. Siam Thai @ Fruitridge and Franklin. I highly recommend the place. we had great food and great conversation. these two are honestly some my favorite people. they both have a heart for change and love for many. i wish them my best as they leave later this week for UCSB and UCD ; /
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