has been updated. check it out here. photos coming soon...
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Hermit Got Out Friday, September 26, 2008
A lot of cool things went on in the past few days. It's Emilia's birthday, so if you read this Happy Birthday and if you know her make sure you wish her your best. More to come...
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
It begins.... Saturday, September 20, 2008
the hermit experiment that is. Sarah left this morning and she's the last of my close friends to be gone, so i've decided that i would try an experiment. i'm trying to really redefine myself in these next few months; for the past four years i have really let my relationships control my character and i'm tired of that. so what do i decide to do? the what, why and how... after the tie.
i've decided to become a modified hermit. first let me define hermit to you.
According to Wikipedia-
"Because the life of the Christian hermit, both in ancient and in modern times, is rooted in the Desert Theology of the Old Testament, it is a life entirely given to the praise of God and the love and – through the hermit's penance and prayers – also the service of all humanity. The latter is crucial to the correct understanding of the eremitic vocation, since the Judeo-Christian tradition holds that God created man (i.e. the individual human being) relational,[2] which means that solitude can never be the purpose of any Christian vocation but only a conducive environment for striving after a particular spiritual purpose that forms part of our common human vocation."
i've decided that i should seclude myself from many things that influence me for a few reasons.
1. Christ
2. I've let relationships in the past dicate my character and decisions.
3. Praise for Christ and love for others. I feel that I can better love on others when I can actually control my character.
this list will continue to build as i move through this experience.
for my current friends, this isn't anything personal. i've just been so influenced by you that i need sometime to myself. i think i've told most of you this, if not i'd be happy to sit down and explain it to our specific relationship( i'd hate for this post to be how you've found out.)
the point of this is not to seclude myself for my benefit alone, but in fact it is to better myself in order to love others with a transparent sincerity. a genuine love that doesn't serve my interests but only Christs. i feel like my current efforts have only been in vain, so i've decided to seclude myself(selectively) so that i can know the essence of Christ's character. i want to befriend him completely (as much as humanly possible, Enoch?).
no, i'm not going to sit in my room and just work, study, go to school. i'll interact with people, but it needs to be under some loose guidlines:
1 im interacting to fellowship. ie: to encourage, or study
2 im interacting to help. ie: volunteer
3 im interacting to photograph. ie: show, class assignment.
again these are loose outlines, and i thought i should just put it into words as a guiding force to these next few months. i want all of my interactions to have authenticity.
lastly some pictures for you all. DISCLAIMER: "I DO NOT DRINK, BUT I DO HAVE FRIENDS THAT CHOOSE TO."

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i've decided to become a modified hermit. first let me define hermit to you.
According to Wikipedia-
"Because the life of the Christian hermit, both in ancient and in modern times, is rooted in the Desert Theology of the Old Testament, it is a life entirely given to the praise of God and the love and – through the hermit's penance and prayers – also the service of all humanity. The latter is crucial to the correct understanding of the eremitic vocation, since the Judeo-Christian tradition holds that God created man (i.e. the individual human being) relational,[2] which means that solitude can never be the purpose of any Christian vocation but only a conducive environment for striving after a particular spiritual purpose that forms part of our common human vocation."
i've decided that i should seclude myself from many things that influence me for a few reasons.
1. Christ
2. I've let relationships in the past dicate my character and decisions.
3. Praise for Christ and love for others. I feel that I can better love on others when I can actually control my character.
this list will continue to build as i move through this experience.
for my current friends, this isn't anything personal. i've just been so influenced by you that i need sometime to myself. i think i've told most of you this, if not i'd be happy to sit down and explain it to our specific relationship( i'd hate for this post to be how you've found out.)
the point of this is not to seclude myself for my benefit alone, but in fact it is to better myself in order to love others with a transparent sincerity. a genuine love that doesn't serve my interests but only Christs. i feel like my current efforts have only been in vain, so i've decided to seclude myself(selectively) so that i can know the essence of Christ's character. i want to befriend him completely (as much as humanly possible, Enoch?).
no, i'm not going to sit in my room and just work, study, go to school. i'll interact with people, but it needs to be under some loose guidlines:
1 im interacting to fellowship. ie: to encourage, or study
2 im interacting to help. ie: volunteer
3 im interacting to photograph. ie: show, class assignment.
again these are loose outlines, and i thought i should just put it into words as a guiding force to these next few months. i want all of my interactions to have authenticity.
lastly some pictures for you all. DISCLAIMER: "I DO NOT DRINK, BUT I DO HAVE FRIENDS THAT CHOOSE TO."
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
With the Wind.... Wednesday, September 17, 2008
comes change. it's strange. throughout the past few months a lot of it has been going on. the obvious: going off to college and growing up. through my lurking around on the infamous facebook, i've already begun to see different "people" ( or at least what i can gather from an internet social network ) emerge in their respective places of institution. some good, some questionable and some make my heart ache but i love them all the same and i hope that it is perceived as sincere.
i've also noticed a difference in myself. im very choosy about who i associate with nowadays, and i think it's the best for me at this point. i struggled very much with becoming who i associated with just to please them and now i only define myself by Christ. don't get me wrong. i'm human and i will always fail sometimes. for awhile now i've been defined by my worst moments and i am sick and tired of that. ive also noticed my e-addiction increasing with this new laptop,blog,photos,facebook,e-mails,and so on. i'd appreciate prayer in that area. i want to make sure that i'm still devoting time to my relationship to Christ.
i was able to get together with sarah and celeste yesterday afternoon for some awesome thai food. Siam Thai @ Fruitridge and Franklin. I highly recommend the place. we had great food and great conversation. these two are honestly some my favorite people. they both have a heart for change and love for many. i wish them my best as they leave later this week for UCSB and UCD ; /

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i've also noticed a difference in myself. im very choosy about who i associate with nowadays, and i think it's the best for me at this point. i struggled very much with becoming who i associated with just to please them and now i only define myself by Christ. don't get me wrong. i'm human and i will always fail sometimes. for awhile now i've been defined by my worst moments and i am sick and tired of that. ive also noticed my e-addiction increasing with this new laptop,blog,photos,facebook,e-mails,and so on. i'd appreciate prayer in that area. i want to make sure that i'm still devoting time to my relationship to Christ.
i was able to get together with sarah and celeste yesterday afternoon for some awesome thai food. Siam Thai @ Fruitridge and Franklin. I highly recommend the place. we had great food and great conversation. these two are honestly some my favorite people. they both have a heart for change and love for many. i wish them my best as they leave later this week for UCSB and UCD ; /
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Sunday, September 14, 2008
Second Saturday 9.13.08 Sunday, September 14, 2008
Jesus Christ is good. i FINALLY was able to get to Second Saturday for the first time in a few months. Andrew and I took a ride down there and enjoyed ourselves.i thought i'd try a photographic essay to sum up the time.

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Friday, September 12, 2008
I didn't have to work today until 3:30... so what did I do? Well first, I spent some time with Christ and then I thought I'd try a few exercises from strobist. I first created a speedlight cheatsheet. Then worked on restricted light and overpowering ambient sunlight.
Man was today rough. I work for a local (national) portrait studio and I just wasn't feeling the creative touch. It bummed me out. I've had a lot of things on my mind and school is definitely on the heavy end. So please pray for me.
With the speedlights this morning I worked out my starting point for indoors and then went outdoors and took on the SUN! After doing the little exercise inside, I did same for this scooter shot.
Canon 30D, 24-70 f/2.8L @ 24mm. ISO100, f/18, SB-25 CL Snooted Full Power, SB-25 CR OmniBounce Full Power
Canon 30D, 24-70 f/2.8L @ 24mm. ISO100, f/18, SB-25 CL Snooted Full Power, SB-25 CR Rectangle Softbox(homemade) FP
and the setup shot.

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Man was today rough. I work for a local (national) portrait studio and I just wasn't feeling the creative touch. It bummed me out. I've had a lot of things on my mind and school is definitely on the heavy end. So please pray for me.
With the speedlights this morning I worked out my starting point for indoors and then went outdoors and took on the SUN! After doing the little exercise inside, I did same for this scooter shot.
and the setup shot.
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Thursday, September 11, 2008
Alive.... Yes I am Thursday, September 11, 2008
As you can see, things are starting to look alive around here. Updates are in the making... tell all your friends.
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Some Bride Shots Thursday, September 11, 2008
Yesterday we took a field trip to the Vizcaya Hotel in Downtown for my Wedding and Portraiture class. Great trip, great people and here are some of my not so great shots. RAW Edits, Straight from the camera... Enjoy.

We went on-location for my Wedding and Portraiture Class, here are my two favorites.

check out the full post for more photos...
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We went on-location for my Wedding and Portraiture Class, here are my two favorites.
check out the full post for more photos...
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Updates.... Thursday, September 11, 2008
Schools started, which mean life has started. I'll definitely be updating this place alot more.
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