The reason I started this blog is because I'm a photographer. I used to do this 365 project but it beat the heck out of me about 200 days in and I failed. New Year's resolution anyone? I work freelance for Sac News and Review , have a night job and keep up with my own business, but the photo a day for myself just put me over. I'm trying to change that.
Last month, I finally made some time to go out a shoot with a friend of mine. I'm pretty interested in fashion (men's mostly) so of course my photos have been moving in that direction. The hardest part of being a photographer, is finding that niche. I've narrowed it down to people, but what kind of people? So I'm still working that out.
Here some stuff my shoot with Meg.
The first rule of fashion. it's all about the clothes. That's what you're trying to sell. So photograph those.

Besides shooting I've spent some time trying other cameras out and now I have more cameras than hands.

My baby, the sleep Konica Hexar.
Oh yeah and a bunch of vinyl.

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