Man this week has been great so far! God has blessed me with some amazing people in my life who are constantly challenging me to what I say I believe. Praise God. Last night I made it over to the Okada's house for their college group and we went line by line through Romans 3:9-21. Studying the Word in a group discussion is something new to me and I was blessed by the heap of knowledge that Alan possesses.
Some recent takeaways from this discussion and my own study:
-To believe that Christ is as one dimensional as one way or another is a downplay of Jesus being "I AM". Yes, Jesus is love and peace but he is also truth and justice. Punishment in his regard is love because he has our best interests at heart.
-The biblical definition of truth is that it is in Jesus. Jesus in us produces truth.
-The biblical definition of love. 2 John vs. 6 "we walk in obedience to his commands"
I know it raised my eyebrows too.
So I briefly went over a little bit about going to South Africa last post and some people asked for a more thorough explanation. Here is the support letter that I am sending out to anyone who is interested. If you would like one in either paper or electronic form, please let me know.
Dearest Friends and Family,
This past year has been a time of development, maturity and opportunity. Many of you celebrated my graduation from Franklin High School and I thank you for your kind words and thoughts. Since then I have started my transition into adult life as my responsibilities continue to grow and God guides my focus and discernment. Currently I am working for Nugget Markets in Elk Grove, California, photographing for Prestige Portraits (Lifetouch), continuing to take 16 units at Cosumnes River College all the while pursuing this project which I am passionate about. My photography business, OneLove Photography is progressing and beginning to take on a life of its own! If you know me or even if we have just met, you know my passion for photography. I’m planning to double major in Commercial Photography and Marketing once I am eligible to transfer out. In the meantime, I’m excited to tell you that my creative talent has melded with my irresistible conviction to serve those who are less fortunate than me.
This marriage of these two passions takes place through a faith-based Non-Profit Organization known as VoxUnited. Vox has offered me the opportunity to begin an internship in Johannesburg, South Africa as photojournalist and mentor to those afflicted by HIV/AIDS and extreme poverty. In recent months I have been preparing for this big move and I’d love the opportunity to share with you, what these next six months will entail, why I am going, what I will be doing specifically, and an invitation to get involved in this concerted effort.
I believe that HIV/AIDS is a pandemic, that is possibly the greatest physical affliction the world has ever encountered; and coupled with extreme poverty this crisis is worse than we could imagine. As the sun rises each day roughly 8,500 men, women and children perish globally due to AIDS. 6,500 of those deaths are in Sub-Saharan Africa; together the death toll is nearly three times that of the tragic September 11th attacks in the U.S. Over 66% of Sub-Saharan Africa’s population is infected with aids and with 25 million dead and counting, HIV/AIDS is ready to destroy an entire generation of African Nationals.
In spite of these grim statistics there is hope. I am convinced that God’s promise of hope and refuge is a living, breathing initiative that begins with individuals living out a life of love. We as the human race have a responsibility to love our neighbors, to seek out the forgotten and bedraggled and to speak up for those who cannot. This is our opportunity.
This mission and heart of VoxUnited is this:
Vox is a global, non-profit organization working to unite universities, local
churches, humanitarian organizations and businesses in a concerted effort to
reverse the spread of extreme poverty and HIV/AIDS. We build international
bridges resulting in viable, holistic, self-sustainable solutions in infected and
underdeveloped communities in sub-Saharan Africa.
Vox is Latin for “voice,” and as an organization, Vox United seeks to fulfill the Biblical mandate of Proverbs 31:8, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those that are perishing”
We at Vox center our effort on the principles: Basic Relief, Compassionate Care, Education, Livelihood Development and Church Development. By building international bridges for individuals, businesses, churches and universities we channel our efforts while embracing these principles and working with African Community leaders. We have established effective, sustainable responses to HIV/AIDS and poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Programs and initiatives like computer training, self-sustainable sewing centers, child sponsorships, sexual purity education, marriage faithfulness seminars, after-school meals. These are just a few ways we embody our priniciples and you can find additional programs at
My specific role with Vox will be a photojournalist serving on the VoxUnited Media Team. I will also be involved with generationVox and child mentorship. My responsibilities are emphasized around three things:
Photograph and Document VoxUnited’s Efforts
As Vox has expanded, it is not as easy for staff members to present their efforts to others not directly involved. I am bridging this gap and I will photograph current projects, write about my experiences and report the experiences of community members.
Raise Awareness and Increase Communication of VoxUnited’s Efforts
I will also publish my work to, send out weekly email newsletters and publish a monthly collaborative newsletter from VoxUnited’s Project Leaders. I will also circulate and raise awareness of needs among community members between VoxUnited and its partners around the world.
Involvement in generationVOX
With over 12 million children having lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS, I believe that this branch of VoxUnited is especially important. I will be concentrating efforts in this area by mentoring and tutoring at-risk children.
Living these past 18 years with the comfort and love found in suburban life; I know this change will be difficult. Transitioning to a season in South Africa will revolutionize my perception of the world and the ways that I pursue my dreams. I am in need of and truly desire your partnership with me in some way. Prayer is huge. Only through God is this possible for me and your prayers and thoughts are always needed and much appreciated. Financially I need about 14,000 dollars to cover the expense of my six month outreach by mid January. Giving can be done in multiple ways, the easiest is electronically through the secure Vox website which can be found through this webpage. If electronic transfer is not possible, there are more options available and detailed on the enclosed card.
Beyond that, I thank you for your love and support through these years of my life. I invite you to become a part of my support team and contact list so that I can keep you updated personally with what I am doing in South Africa and specific ways you can join me in prayer.
More information is available online via and I would love the chance to speak you with you personally about any questions, or ideas you might have. I can be reached by phone at 916.215.3705 (mobile), or email (work) (personal).
Jesus Christ Bless and I love you all,
Thank you for you consideration, prayer and support
Jerome Love
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